Initial considerations

We are committed to protecting your privacy. Before using the Hangman FM , on the website, by cell phone application or any other means, please read carefully the following important information, which concerns the protection of your personal data.

Information Collection and Use

The Hangman FM is limited to extracting only the necessary information in order to improve the game itself. Currently Jogo da Forca FM sends the following information to its servers:
  • Brand / Model of the device used
  • Version of the WebView used, your default language and the language selected in the game
  • Date / time of completion of each match
  • Chosen word, number of errors and whether or not the tip was used
The above data is collected by Hangman FM and maintained on servers by Plínio Fernandes Mendes . This data is subject to standard password protected security, but is not necessarily encrypted. This data is used only in order to improve the user experience in Hangman FM and, if necessary, the data will be published consolidated (in form of statistics, for example), and never in demonstrating the data individually. No personal data is collected (phone number, name, email, among others).

Third Party Support Platforms

The Hangman FM uses some standard game support platforms developed and maintained by third parties, and whoever uses the Hangman FM will be subject to the privacy policy of these platforms, as well as any and all changes they make, with or without notice. The main third-party support platforms used by Hangman FM , but not necessarily limited to the list below, are:
  • Google Play (
  • Google Analytics (
  • AdMob (
  • Google AdSense (
These platforms may use cookies in your browser.

Final considerations

I, Plínio Fernandes Mendes , can make changes to Hangman FM without prior notice. The user who does not agree with the terms described here must perform the uninstallation and not use any of the services offered. By using the Hangman FM , you agree and accept the conditions described above.