Are you going to face the challenge?

Unblock FM

It consists of the classic game of removing the block, inspired by the games of the Hippie Fairs, application developed by Plinio FM and puzzles developed by my father, José do Carmo.

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The rules of the game are very simple. 

One block must be moved at a time. The block can be moved vertically and horizontally, but cannot overlap another block or exit the tray. 

The goal is to move the red block to the tray output. Only the red block can come out. 

This game was inspired by the wooden games of the Hippie Fairs that follow the same rules. My father, José do Carmo, even collected some of these games and decided to use the computer to create new boards. These trays were calculated by him using FoxPro (the programming language he knew).

How do you play Unblock?
